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How to Estimate the Development Time for Your Mobile App?

Once you’ve come up with a brilliant app idea, a series of questions will naturally follow. One of the most common queries, right after “How much will it cost?” is “How long will it take to develop a mobile app?” It’s a valid concern, especially in a market where countless apps are launched daily. Many of our clients have found this question challenging, so we’re here to help break down the factors that influence the timeline for app development.

Understanding the Timeline for Mobile App Development

Predicting the exact duration for app development until the initial release can be challenging. Even with a clear vision of your app’s functionality and target audience, various unpredictable factors can influence the time required to develop your app.

Factors Influencing App Development Time

1. Platform Choice

The time required to develop a fully-functional app largely depends on the platform. In our experience, both iOS and Android demand substantial time investments. However, Android development can take longer due to fragmentation issues across a wide range of devices. Despite improvements in the Android SDK to handle various screen sizes, OS versions, and pixel densities, more refinements are needed compared to iOS. Moreover, the app approval process tends to be quicker on Android than iOS.

2. Complexity of the Idea

The complexity of your app idea significantly impacts the development time. Simple apps, like a basic wallpaper app, are quicker to develop as developers can easily grasp and execute the concept. However, if your app includes unique and innovative features, it requires more time for the development team to fully understand and implement your vision. At Softkingo, we prioritize thoroughly understanding and exploring the scope of each app idea before proceeding.

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3. Feature Set

The number and type of features you want to include will also affect the timeline. More features typically mean more development time. Additionally, the complexity of the features plays a role; some may be simple to implement, while others may require more effort and time.

To mitigate risks and avoid unnecessary investment, we recommend starting with a Minimal Viable Product (MVP). An MVP includes only the essential features to test the app’s market potential and gather feedback. If the MVP succeeds, you can gradually add more features in future updates. This approach is both cost-effective and time-efficient.

4. Target Audience Size

Developing an app for a larger audience involves additional considerations, such as architecture, infrastructure, and performance testing. These factors can significantly extend the development timeline. Aiming for a bug-free, fully-functional app is crucial, as it ensures a better user experience and reduces the risk of issues post-launch.

5. Development Process

The process you choose for development greatly impacts the timeline. A well-structured process ensures that planning, designing, development, and testing phases stay on schedule. At Softkingo, we follow the Agile methodology, which promotes adaptive planning, evolutionary development, and continuous improvement. This approach is ideal for complex projects where requirements may change frequently.

We also prefer developing different modules in parallel rather than sequentially, allowing us to achieve more in a shorter time frame.

6. Communication

Effective communication between the client and the development team is crucial for timely project completion. Any delays in communication can slow down the resolution of issues and prolong the development process. Our team at Softkingo is committed to maintaining open lines of communication, ensuring a smooth and efficient workflow.


Developing a high-quality mobile app is a complex and time-consuming process. It requires careful planning, significant effort, financial investment, and a well-thought-out strategy. If you have further questions about app development or need assistance with your project, feel free to contact us.

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