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What Drives the Cost of App Development in 2024? Insights and Analysis

The world of app development in 2024 is bustling with innovation and rapid technological progress. As businesses strive to keep up with digital transformation and meet user expectations, understanding what drives the cost of app development has never been more critical. In this article, we’ll explore the factors influencing app development costs in 2024, provide insights into current trends, and offer practical tips for managing your development budget effectively.

The Evolving Mobile App Market in 2024

The mobile app market continues to expand, with millions of apps available on major platforms like Google Play Store and Apple App Store. As of recent reports, there are approximately 3.3 million apps on Google Play and 2.2 million on the Apple App Store. This competitive landscape emphasizes the need for high-quality apps that stand out in a crowded marketplace.

According to Grand View Research, the mobile app market is projected to generate around $567.19 billion in revenue by 2030. This significant growth underscores the investment many businesses are making to stay relevant and engage with their audiences through mobile applications.

Estimating the Cost of App Development

Determining the cost of app development can be complex due to the various factors at play. On average, developing a mobile app in 2024 can cost between $25,000 and $150,000, with more complex applications potentially exceeding $300,000. The final cost depends on several factors, including the app’s complexity, features, and development approach.

Here’s a breakdown of the key factors influencing app development costs in 2024:

Major Cost Drivers in App Development

App Complexity and Features

  • Simple Apps: Basic functionalities such as user authentication and profile management can cost between $5,000 and $50,000.
  • Medium Complexity Apps: Apps with features like social media integration, payment systems, and multimedia support usually range from $50,000 to $120,000.
  • Complex Apps: Applications involving advanced technologies such as AR/VR, AI, or extensive multi-language support can cost from $100,000 to $300,000 or more.

Design and User Experience (UX)

The design phase has a significant impact on overall costs. Custom UI/UX design tends to be more expensive compared to standard designs. Expect design and animation costs to range from $15,000 to $25,000 based on complexity.

Platform Choice

  • Native Apps: Developed specifically for iOS or Android, native apps generally have higher costs due to platform-specific requirements.
  • Cross-Platform Apps: Using frameworks like Flutter or React Native allows development for both iOS and Android simultaneously, often reducing costs compared to building separate native apps.
  • Web Apps: Typically more cost-effective, web apps generally range from $15,000 to $50,000 but may lack some of the features of native apps.

Development Team Location

The cost of hiring developers can vary significantly based on their location. Developers in North America and Western Europe tend to have higher rates compared to those in Eastern Europe, Asia, or South America.

Development Approach

  • Outsourcing: Hiring external agencies or freelancers can be more flexible and potentially cost-effective but might involve communication challenges.
  • In-House Development: Building an internal team offers greater control and alignment with business goals but can be more costly due to salaries and overhead.

Maintenance and Updates

Post-launch maintenance, including bug fixes, updates, and enhancements, is an ongoing cost. Budget around 15% to 20% of the initial development cost annually for maintenance.

Examples of App Development Costs

To give you a clearer picture, here are estimated costs for developing some popular types of apps:

  • Uber: Ride-sharing apps with real-time tracking and complex algorithms can cost between $30,000 and $100,000.
  • Snapchat: Social media apps with features like AR filters can range from $45,000 to $100,000 for a single platform and up to $200,000 for both.
  • WhatsApp: Basic messaging apps are generally priced between $30,000 and $70,000.
  • TikTok: Video-sharing apps with advanced features can range from $60,000 to $100,000 for one platform and up to $150,000 for cross-platform development.
  • Coursera: E-learning apps with comprehensive features can cost between $60,000 and $120,000.
  • Netflix: Media streaming apps can range from $25,000 to $200,000 depending on features and complexity.

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Popular AppsAverage Cost

While these were the estimation costs of some of the leading mobile apps in the market, we also need to discuss essential development factors that affect the overall mobile app development cost.

Top 8 Factors That Impact Your Mobile App Development Cost

Several significant factors influence the cost of mobile app development. Understanding these factors will enable you to make cost-effective decisions and achieve the best return on your investment. Additionally, it will help you stay within your budget.

Let’s explore the major factors that affect the overall cost of mobile application development.

Mobile App Complexity

The cost of developing a mobile app varies significantly based on its complexity. Here’s a breakdown of average development costs based on the level of complexity:

Simple Apps:

The cost of developing a simple app ranges from $5,000 to $50,000. These apps include basic features such as a login system, user profiles, dashboards, and limited administration.

Medium Complexity Apps:

Developing a medium complexity app costs between $50,000 and $120,000. These apps have extensive features for user engagement and monetization, including social media integrations, payment gateways, audio/video streaming, and enhanced user privacy. For example, Softkingo redefined the UI/UX strategy for POTAFO’s, increasing its conversion rate by 23%.

Complex Apps:

The cost for complex apps ranges from $100,000 to $300,000 and above. These apps incorporate advanced technologies such as AR/VR, AI, and machine learning. They also include features like multi-language support and sophisticated data logic. For instance, Softkingo developed a core banking blockchain solution for Asian Bank, facilitating easier crypto transactions. This app has processed over 50,000 crypto transactions and achieved 250,000+ downloads.

Here’s an average app development cost breakdown based on its complexity:

App ComplexityLevel of ComplexityAverage TimelineAverage Cost
Simple app
  • MVP functionality
  • Basic UI
2-3 months$5,000-$50,000
Medium Complex app
  • Sophisticated features
  • Custom UI
3-9 months$50,000-$120,000
Highly complex app
  • High level advanced features
  • Bespoke UI
  • Two platforms
10+ months$100,000-$300,000

App Features and Functionalities

The cost of creating an app largely depends on the features and functionalities you choose to include. The base price for mobile app development increases as you add more features.

To manage costs effectively, focus on core features in the initial version of your app. This approach ensures a great customer experience while keeping expenses in check. Developing a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) is the ideal strategy – a basic version of your app with essential features. An MVP saves time and money and allows you to gather valuable user feedback.

Let’s explore the average development cost and time required for basic features before moving on to more complex functionalities.

FeaturesFunctionApproximate TimeAverage cost
User Login
  • Login with social media
  • Login with email address
  • Forgot password option
  • Log out option
30-42 hours$500 – $1,000
Profile Completion
  • Add basic info
  • Add photo
  • Set region
30-40 hours$900-$1,000
  • Online/offline status
  • Typing status
  • Send media files and documents
  • Read/sent status
170-180 hours$3,000-$5,000
Push Notifications
  • Push notifications and reminders for users
25-32 hours$1,000 – $1,200
Basic admin panel: User management
  • See list of users
  • Delete/block user
  • Create user
  • Edit user
66-90 hours$3,500-$4,000

Now, here is the mobile app development cost breakdown based on advanced feature integration:

FeaturesFunctionApproximate TimeAverage cost
  • Transaction history
  • Check balance
  • Add debit/credit card
  • Add other payment gateways such as Paytm, Paypal, etc.
60-78 hours$2,500-$3,000
  • Detect user’s location
  • Set pickup and destination point
100-120 hours$3,000-$4,000
  • Audio calls
  • List of contacts
  • Video calls
300-400 hours$14,000-$15,000

App Category

The cost of developing an app varies significantly across different categories. Each category comes with unique requirements such as the number of users, functionalities, and security criteria, all of which influence the overall cost.

Here’s a quick overview of the top categories in mobile app development:

E-commerce/M-Commerce Apps:
E-commerce apps like Amazon and Wayfair are highly popular due to their extensive features, which allow them to perform effectively in real-time, handle millions of users simultaneously, and maintain robust security.

Social Networking Apps:
Social media apps integrate third-party services and access hardware functions such as cameras and audio recorders. They are designed to be highly scalable to support millions of users at a time. Consequently, the cost of developing social media apps is generally higher compared to less complex mobile apps.

Understanding the cost dynamics across different app categories can help you make informed decisions and optimize your app development budget.

On-Demand Apps
Even the simplest on-demand applications come in three versions: one for users, one for service providers, and one for businesses.

For example, Acti Drive is an on-demand service application based on IoT technology that enables drivers to drive hassle-free.

Hardware-Dependent Apps
IoT-based applications are highly dependent on hardware devices to perform actions such as extracting data or sending commands.

A notable example is “Moo,” an eScooter application that represents the future of mobility by managing transportation at a micro level, making it completely hardware-based.

Now, here’s an estimated cost to develop an app based on its category:

App CategoryAverage CostApproximate Hours
eCommerce app$50,000 – $150,0001,200
Social media app$50,000 – $300,0001,200
Learning app (Duolingo)$60,000 – $225,000900
Dating app (Tinder)$50,000 – $350,0001,400
Gaming app$60,000 – $250,000More than 1,800

App Design & Animation

App design is another crucial factor that influences the cost of app development. To ensure that users engage with your app, a specific focus on design is essential.

When it comes to app design, there are generally two options: Custom UI and Standard UI. Custom UI is more complex to design and implement compared to Standard UI, making it more expensive.

For example, Softkingo designed and developed an innovative mobile app for Potafo, incorporating unique features to automate food ordering and delivery. The engaging app design and animation significantly increased the app’s conversion rate by 30%.

Understanding the impact of design choices on the overall cost can help you make more informed decisions for your app development project.

Other Components of Mobile App Design

Wireframing is used to create effective user experience features and maps. Developers use special tools like MARVEL, Balsamiq, and Photoshop for this purpose.

Animation is a popular method to make certain aspects of an application more interesting and intuitive. It is frequently employed in gaming and social media applications to enhance user engagement.

For further insights, you might also want to explore the differences between Android and iOS app design.

Here is the cost breakdown for mobile application development based on its design components:

App ProcessDesign TasksAverage Development TimeAverage Development Cost (Approx)
App design research
  • Market research
  • Competitor analysis
  • Market trend analysis
  • Selecting ideal solutions
Based on niche and available resource$100-$350
UX design
  • Rough sketches
  • Low fidelity wireframes
  • High fidelity wireframes
  • Simple- 10-14 hours
  • Medium- 50-60 hours
  • Complex- 150+ hours
UI design (visuals)
  • Mood boards
  • UI mockup samples
  • Final UI mockups
  • Simple – 14-20 hours
  • Medium- 80-90 hours
  • Complex- 100+ hours
  • Creating brand identity
Logos, icons and social media$5,000-$20,000
Animations and illustrations
  • Visualizing user and on-screen content
  • Direct manipulation
  • User action visualization
Based on level of animations$1000-$20,000

App Platform

When starting the mobile app development process, choosing the right platform is crucial. Depending on your target audience, you can opt to build an iOS, Android, web app, or cross-platform application. For startups with minimal budgets, it’s often better to begin with one platform and expand to others later.

Here are the most popular app development platform options:

Native App Platform (iOS & Android):
iOS app development is done using Swift and Objective-C, while Android app development uses Java and/or Kotlin. Native apps offer the best performance and user experience.

Web App Platform:
Web apps, including Progressive Web Apps (PWAs), are more cost-efficient than native apps. The cost of developing a web app ranges from $15,000 to $50,000. Web apps are a good choice for budget-conscious projects.

Developing an app for both iOS and Android simultaneously is a cost-efficient trend. This approach offers benefits like single codebase use and reduced development effort. Popular cross-platform development tools include Flutter and React Native.

Hybrid App Platform:
Hybrid apps combine elements of both native and web apps. They are installed like native apps but run within a webview component, offering a balance between performance and cost.

Understanding these platform options can help you make an informed decision and optimize your app development budget.

Type of AppAverage Cost
Native apps (Android & iOS)$50,000 to $100,000
Cross-platform apps$25,000 to $60,000
Web apps$15,000 to $50,000
Hybrid apps$10,000 to $150,000

App Maintenance

Expenses don’t end once the mobile app development process is complete. Ongoing app maintenance is necessary to keep up with evolving market trends, new device versions, and operating system updates, all of which incur additional costs. Here’s what to budget for after app development:

App Bug Fixes:
No app is entirely free of bugs. Issues often emerge only after the app is published, requiring ongoing fixes to ensure smooth performance.

Design Changes:
App designs can quickly become outdated and lose their appeal. Regular updates to the design are essential to keep users engaged and maintain a fresh user experience.

App maintenance typically costs about 20% of the total mobile app development cost annually. Budgeting for these ongoing expenses is crucial for effective financial planning.

Code Reuse

Reusing existing code can significantly reduce development costs. When businesses incorporate code from a previous app and modify branding elements, the cost of developing a new app can be lower.

Experts at Softkingo recommend reusing only common components, such as contact forms and login systems, while developing unique features from scratch to preserve brand identity. Using existing code can reduce development costs by 20-30% compared to building an app entirely from scratch.

Size and Location of Development Team

The cost of mobile app development is heavily influenced by the team you choose. Options include hiring a proficient app development company, a local team, an in-house team, or a freelance developer.

An experienced mobile app development company can deliver high-quality applications with advanced features and functionalities.

Here’s a rough estimate of mobile app development costs, including those associated with an outsourced development team.

Cost Factors and RequirementsSimple AppMedium AppComplex App
Development time2-6 months6-9 months9-15 months
UI/UX Designer$4-5,000$5-7,000$10-15,000
Project Manager$5-7,000$10-15,000$10,000+
QA Specialist$8-10,000$15-20,000$20,000+
Business Analyst$2-3,000$5-8,000$8-10,000
Solution Architect$1-3,000$5-8,000$9,000+

The location of your app development team is a key factor in determining the overall cost of app development. The table below shows the average development costs based on different geographical locations:

RegionApp Development Cost
United States$80-170/hr

App development company

Hidden Costs Affecting Mobile App Development

In addition to the well-known factors affecting app development costs, there are several hidden costs that are often overlooked. Understanding these hidden costs can help mitigate risks, save time, and manage your budget more effectively. Let’s explore these factors in detail:

Quality Assurance:
Depending on your app’s complexity, you may need to hire a quality assurance specialist or project manager. Business analysts can also help manage costs and keep your project within budget.

Infrastructure Costs:
These include expenses for data storage, data delivery, and app hosting. Infrastructure costs add both complexity and cost to your project, including servers, data storage, and development tools and libraries.

IT Support Costs:
High-quality apps require ongoing IT support and technical maintenance. Support costs can increase over time and may include iOS and Android updates, bug fixes, and API maintenance.

App Publishing Costs:
Publishing your app incurs additional fees. For Android apps, there is a one-time fee of $25 for the Google Play Store. Apple charges $99 per year for the App Store. If you plan to distribute your app exclusively within your organization, joining the Apple Developer Enterprise Program costs $299 annually. Google Play does not charge for this service.

App Security:
Security is critical for user trust and data protection. A robust security plan and thorough testing are essential. If security is not addressed early, it can lead to higher costs and potential financial and reputational damage.

Now that you are familiar with these factors, let’s outline the standard app development process to help you get started.

Step-by-Step Mobile App Development Process

To build a successful app for your business, follow the stages outlined below:

Research the Target Market
Before developing your app, it’s essential to research your target market. Understanding market dynamics, consumer behavior, leading competitors, and user reviews of top apps will give you valuable insights and help you create a more effective product.

Choose the Right Platform
Your app can be designed for both Android and iOS platforms. However, if you have a limited budget, you might start with just one platform—either Android or iOS—and later expand to the other.

Hire an App Development Company
Choosing a reliable app development company ensures that your app features the latest functionalities and meets deadlines. A professional development team will include app developers, UI/UX designers, project managers, and market specialists who provide expert advice and align with your vision. They also offer access to cutting-edge technologies and industry expertise.

Build an MVP
To validate your app idea affordably, consider developing a Minimum Viable Product (MVP). Work with your development team to identify essential features and key unique selling points (USPs) for the MVP. This approach helps test your concept without significant financial investment.

Test Your App
Thorough testing is crucial for a successful app launch. Evaluate everything from app performance and user experience to content accuracy. Proper testing helps identify bugs, reduce development time and costs, and enhance your reputation as a service provider.

Submit the App to Stores
After successful testing, submit your app to the Play Store or Apple’s App Store. Ensure compliance with Apple’s and Google’s developer guidelines and align your monetization model with their requirements.

Launch and Track Performance
Once your app is live, monitor its performance using in-app analytics tools. Regularly update the app to boost user engagement and address feedback and concerns.

App Development Cost by Stage
Understanding the cost structure at each stage of app development is crucial for effective planning and budgeting. Costs can vary widely depending on app complexity and development stages.

Here’s a breakdown of typical cost ranges and what to expect at each stage:

StageEstimated CostDescription
Concept and Planning$1,000 – $5,000Includes expenses related to initial research, feasibility studies, and preliminary planning to establish project scope and objectives.
Design$15,000 – $25,000Covers costs for graphic design, user interface creation, and user experience optimizations, including wireframes and prototype development.
Development$50,000 to $80,000Encompasses coding and programming, server setup, data integration, and application programming interface (API) integration, reflecting the technical complexity of the app.
Testing and Deployment$25,000 – $35,000Includes expenses for comprehensive quality assurance testing, bug fixing, and final adjustments before deployment, as well as the deployment process itself.
Maintenance and Updates$1,000 – $10,000 per annumReflects ongoing costs for software updates, security enhancements, compatibility adjustments, and customer support services post-launch.

How Do Apps Make Money?

There are several effective methods for monetizing an app. You can choose one or a combination of these revenue channels to boost your earnings and enhance customer value:

One of the most common ways to generate revenue is through advertising. This model involves promoting third-party products or services within your app, and you earn money based on ad performance or placement.

With the freemium model, users can access basic features of the app for free, but must pay to unlock premium features. This model also allows for additional revenue through in-app advertising.

In the subscription model, users pay a recurring fee to access the app’s core features. Subscriptions can be offered on a monthly, yearly, or daily basis. Major platforms like Google Play and the Apple App Store facilitate subscription management.

Sponsorship involves partnering with a sponsor related to your app’s niche. In return for financial compensation, you feature the sponsor’s brand, advertise their products, or direct users to their website.

How Can You Reduce Your Mobile App Development Costs?

Reducing the costs of mobile app development involves strategic planning and effective practices. Here’s a look at some steps you can take to manage and lower development costs:

Prioritize Features Early On
Focus on essential features to start delivering business value quickly. Save additional, non-essential features for future updates. Developing a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) is a cost-effective way to test your idea.

Involve Quality Assurance Early
Addressing bugs and issues early in the development process can prevent costly fixes later. Engaging QA professionals from the beginning helps identify and resolve problems before they escalate.

Plan for the Future
Consider both short-term and long-term goals when developing your app. Be prepared for potential changes based on user feedback and market evolution, which can save money on major revisions later.

In-house vs. Outsourcing
Deciding between in-house development and outsourcing affects your budget, workflow, and maintenance costs. Outsourcing provides access to skilled teams and reduces office expenses, while in-house teams offer more control over the project.

Consider Cross-Platform Development
Creating separate native apps for Android and iOS can be costly. Cross-platform development allows you to reach users on both platforms with a single codebase, saving time and money. Technologies like Flutter, React Native, and Unity 3D are popular for cross-platform apps.

How Can Softkingo Help You With Mobile App Development Cost Estimation?

Estimating the cost to develop an app can be challenging, as it depends on various factors. To get a precise estimate and turn your app idea into reality, consider consulting a reliable app development company like Softkingo.

Softkingo specializes in creating innovative and scalable apps with cutting-edge features. The team has developed successful apps for global brands such as Potafo, Moglix, and HOPIN’s.

If you’re planning to develop a unique mobile app or need an estimate for your project, contact Softkingo’s experts to get started.


Q: Why does app development cost so much in 2024?
A: App development costs have risen due to the increasing complexity of features, higher expectations for user experience, and the need for advanced technologies. Additionally, the cost of skilled developers and maintaining quality standards contributes to the overall expense.

Q: How can I reduce the cost of app development?
A: To reduce costs, consider starting with an MVP to validate your idea, use cross-platform development frameworks, and manage features carefully. Outsourcing development to regions with lower costs can also help, but ensure you maintain quality and effective communication.

Q: What factors contribute to high app development costs?
A: High costs are often due to complex features, custom designs, advanced technologies like AR/VR or AI, and the choice of platform. The location and expertise of the development team also play significant roles.

Q: What is the difference between native and cross-platform development in terms of cost?
A: Native development involves creating separate apps for iOS and Android, which can be more expensive due to the need for two codebases. Cross-platform development allows for code reuse across both platforms, often reducing costs.

Q: How often should I budget for app maintenance and updates?
A: It’s recommended to allocate 15% to 20% of the initial development cost annually for maintenance and updates. This budget covers bug fixes, performance improvements, and new features.

Q: Can I estimate the cost of my app before development starts?
A: Yes, you can get a rough estimate by defining your app’s features, design requirements, and target platforms. For a more accurate estimate, consult with a development team who can provide a detailed cost breakdown based on your specific needs.

Anupam Singh is a Technical Content Writer at Softkingo who is a curious learner and closely follows the latest developments in technology. She adds value to her writing and helps companies build a healthy online presence through engaging, informative, and shareable blog posts. She loves to master new skills to improve and make her writing more effective and trend-setting.

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